Do you want to earn Money from DESVID.COM.?
- You can actually make from $50 to $300 every month!.
Well, it depends on the number of content you post/publish everyday and the number of Views you get.. Below are few steps to follow.
- Create your Account (Use correct Email address)
- Edit your Profile to make your account look good.
- Post/Publish at least two (2) content/Articles everyday for seven (7) days to gain points.. NOTE: The content could be News, Music, Biography, Song Lyrics, Videos, Share Opinion or any other useful content.
- Every content/article must have at least two paragraphs with good English. If you want to Ask question too – write at least two Paragraphs to describe every question you Ask for a better understanding (e.g. Why is Nicki Minaj so famous?)
- Share your Post/Content or Questions on social media to get Views or Answers. (NOTE: You can Answer your own question to gain Points).
- We will review your account after your (14+) content hit total of 7K (7,000) VIEWS.
- We will email you after the review for account VERIFICATION.
- YOU are about to make MONEY every month.